I'm always willing to invest in me health - right down to the tippy toes of my feet. I train regularly, and eat well, but I like to -
go the extra mile when it comes to pampering time. Kerasal just came out with some new products that help eliminate athlete's foot and I'm here for it.
I've seen my daughter suffer from it, which means I eventually get it too (we live in a barefoot household). But there are things you can use to keep your feet -
comfortable and looking pretty. The medicated soak is a nice addition to an at-home pedicure. Not only can it help relieve any active itching and --
burning. Bit it relaxes and soothes. And after drying my feet off, I follow with their silky foot gel, which nourishes with aloe and deo--
deodorizes with natural tea tree oil. You can also use the foot powder spray on your feet to keep things under control.
Overall, my feet feel better, they look better, and I know my daughter will appreciate these tools in our medicine cabinet when
she needs it again. it takes no time to take care of your feet and you'll feel better when you do, so grab your Kerasal on Amazon!