Did you know that contaminants and particles in your tap water can potentially have a bad effect on the skin? Hard water has done a number -

on my skin in the past, which is why I am so excited to give the Filter Baby a try.Filter Baby is a dermatologist-approved -

3rd party tested filtration system that fits to most sink faucets to provide cleaner water that can improve radiance and -

skin hydration levels while reducing acne and irritations -- all by removing contaminants that throw our skin out of -

whack. It was fairly simple to set up, and the filters can be set to ship on a subscription to make it as easy as possible. -

I myself have fairly dry skin and live in the desert so I’m excited to see how this may improve my skin. Want one of your own? Make sure to click my -


affiliate link*

link to find out how to get your own Filter baby! Thanks for watching - bye!


affiliate link*