Hey Guys! Today I want to share about one of my favorite dry season moisturizers and that's Farmacy Beauty’s Honey --

Halo.  Its rich formula offers intense moisturization for those of us with normal to dry skin.

You can see that the packaging is eco-friendly and recyclable, and the lid has a magnet to keep the spatula from getting lost. How --

-- cool is that? This moisturizer contains Ceramides which help protect and strengthen the skin barrier while antioxidants--

do their work to slow the effects of time on our skin. Buckwheat honey is included in Honey Halo’s formula--

to help boost moisture levels while providing antioxidant benefits.  Plant-based ceramides replenish the skin barrier--

while shea butter and vitamin E lock in that much needed moisture. Did I mention that it has the faint--

scent of honey? Ahh....I love it so much! Does this sound like something your skin needs? Click the link--

link to read more about this moisturizer and where to buy! Thanks, guys! I hope you enjoyed!

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Hydrating Skincare


Filling Good  Serum

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