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Let's see how these shades swatch on skin with no primer, just moisturizer.

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Starting with the matte contour shades.  The light ones are hard to see since they are similar to my skintone.

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You can see they include warm and cool options. These darker contour shades would work great for eyes too.

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These are also nice and blendable with my brushes! Let's move on to the eye shadows!

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None of the colors have names. These are being swatched from top left to bottom.

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I'm drawn to those peachy shades and glimmery toppers! So pretty on the eyes!

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There are 20 eye shades to work with, which can easily take you from day to night!

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That sparkly greige after the blue is also calling my name! I love that i can use a lot of the colors in this palette.

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Time to show those glimmery cheek colors from the right side of the palette!

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All of these can be mixed and matched together to create your own custom cheek cheek shade. Also great for eyes!

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Very difficult to choose a favorite shade from that side of the palette! I love them all!

Thanks for watching!  To get more info, photos and video of this palette in use, swipe up!