Hi Friends! Looking for a few sustainable swaps you can do in your home? Stay tuned...I'm going to show you a few.

Reduce the clutter in your cleaning supplies and swap things out for this multi-surface cleanser thats made with these strips and hot water! By doing so you reduce --

single-use plastic consumption while keeping your home sparkling clean. Use a lot of paper towels?  Swap them out for reusable Swedish --

-- dishcloths  - they can replacer up to 17 rolls of paper towels in your home! They’re made from cellulose and cotton and are 100% biodegradable! --

Have heavy jugs of detergent? Concentrated detergent strips work just as great and better for our planet. Less plastics in --

-- in our landfill and less environmental impact!  Love your dryer sheets? Wool dryer balls are a great swap--

-- that reduces drying time, saves energy. Want them scented? Add a few drops of an essential oil. If you're still using cotton rounds --

-- swap them out for reusable bamboo rounds. They are usually softer and can be tossed in the wash with your laundry! There are seriously --

so many little things that add up to big changes we can do! Swipe up on this post to learn a little more!