March 28, 2025

Swatches, Interview and Giveaway with Tanya from Rainbow Polish!!

iliketotalkalot rainbow polish

I’m a big fan of The Polish-aholic and Let Them Have Polish blogs, I think they’re amazing at swatching and I look forward to each and every post. Lately I’ve been reading posts on their “Etsy Mania”, and prompted me to do an Etsy hunt of my own. You’d be amazed how many Etsy stores there are for hand made nail polish, in all kinds of duo-chromes, holographic and best of all, glitters.

iliketotalkalot rainbow polish I have 2

I discovered Rainbow Polish, and noticed it was Southern California based—-I was immediately drawn by the fact it was local to me. I loved how some of the polish names were places I knew and have been to like Havasu and Glamis Gold, and the colors really caught my eye. I kept hearing myself say “oh, that one too! And that one…..oh! and that one too!”. I could have bought most of the store in one shot if my credit card could handle it, and it became saved as a favorite for shopping at a later time. Since discovering Rainbow Polish, I have ordered three polishes and was sent another to review and swatch for you guys! (yay!) I was also lucky enough to be granted an interview with the creator of Rainbow Polish, Tanya Harper, to find out a little bit more about this beautiful glitter polish line. I’ve included some swatches because they are SUPER PRETTY!

iliketotalkalot rainbow polish medicated bottle

Medicated: Large hex, medium square, micro holo/iridescent purple glitter mixed with medium orange hexes and thin bar glitter. I am super obsessed with “Medicated” at the moment. And IMO, looks even better layered over a bright orange or fuchsia! It was hard to get the bar glitters to apply to my nails, but when I was able to it was so satisfying.

iliketotalkalot rainbow polish medicated 1

iliketotalkalot rainbow polish medicated 2

iliketotalkalot rainbow polish medicated 3

iliketotalkalot rainbow polish scarab beetle bottle

Scarab Beetle: large and medium black hex glitter, with large turquoise squares and small-medium glitters. It also has a light blue holo/iridescent micro glitter that is gorgeous but also makes you require a thick shiny top coat to reduce grit. I think this would also look awesome over light neon blue or a metallic green like Sally Hansen’s Ivy League. This polish was layered several times over Sally Hansen’s Blue Me Away and I absolutely love it.

iliketotalkalot rainbow polish scarab beetle 1

iliketotalkalot rainbow polish scarab beetle 2

iliketotalkalot rainbow polish scarab beetle 3

iliketotalkalot rainbow polish havasu bottle

Havasu: my boyfriend’s favorite out of them all. Perhaps he is blinded by the memories of us going to Havasu each summer in his rocket jet of a boat, but he gave me a couple compliments and said next to “the jawbreaker” nails this was his favorite. Oh mama, this one is an explosion of micro turquoise glitter, large and medium gold hex glitters, and large burnt orange/copper hexes. This totally reminds me of boating and glittering waters. Granted, Havasu may not have the clearest waters, but if you’ve ever been you know its an experience. You see AMAZING boats in all colors and really it seems like who can top the rest out their with the fastest and the loudest..but so much fun!

iliketotalkalot rainbow polish havasu 1

iliketotalkalot rainbow polish havasu 2

iliketotalkalot rainbow polish havasu 3

Interview with Tonya Harper of Rainbow Polish

1) What made you decide to create Rainbow Polish? I decided to start Rainbow polish when I had customers asking for polish and I already had a love for glittery girly things. I toyed with it for a while then decided after sourcing materials and testing them that I was going to give it a go.

2) What’s your favorite color out of the line? Right now my favorite color is Shark! It is a blue base with silver holo diamond shapes, dark blue hexes and 2 colors of smaller glitter in it. I made this polish specifically with the upcoming Discovery channel Shark week in mind. We watch Shark week at my home and what’s more fun then a shark inspired polish! The silver diamond shapes remind me of shark fins.

3) How do you come up with the names for the polishes? I am in “LURV” with Medicated at the moment!
I come up with the names in all different ways. Sometimes iI have the name and I create something with it in mind, sometimes I have a color combo in mind and when I am done it reminds me of something. Medicated has a funny way it was named. That polish was made to match my husbands boat colors (so I could have matching toes). He hasn’t named the boat yet but we have toyed with “medicated” as a name, so I named the polish that. Havasu I had the colors in mind and a name right away, others it takes a bit longer.

4) Your Etsy Store opened fairly recently, and you already have such wide selection of color combos…do you have new polish colors on the way? :))) Yes I have upcoming fall colors that I will release around labor day that I am excited about along with a few others that I will release in the next few weeks. I also have a few holiday collections coming along with great gift sets. A few colors will return soon also, such as lavender atmosphere.
5) You are also the creator behind, an online store for hand crafted soaps ready for gifting. I absolutely love the cupcake soaps, how did you ever get started doing that? That sounds so fun! Soap Café was created 10 years ago from a need for a manly soap for a law officer family member. Donut shaped soap was perfect and I made it and gave it and it grew into a little soap company! I currently offer products online and Soap Café products can be found in stores and spas through out the US including MGM resorts in Las Vegas and MS.

6) Whats the hardest part about making nail polish? The hardest part about making polish is deciding on what NOT to sell and waiting to

test glitters. I have a tray box full of “umm not really liking it” polishes. The waiting to release is difficult also. I have fall & holiday polishes wanting to be seen right now but they are in what I call “quarantine”. Another difficult part is actually having good looking nails, surprisingly right now my nails are bare but on the weekend I have 10 different colors on. A different polish per finger, it was actually really cute!

7) How do you choose the scents for your soaps?
Soap Café soaps are for the most part dessert themed. They are scented as they look. Banana cream pie is scented like bananas!

8) Any tips for newbie nail polish or soap makers?
Insurance, business paperwork, testing and making sure your supplies are from reputable suppliers are very important. Customer service and safe shipping goes a long way too. Who wants to order something only for it to come smashed and damaged. I know when I order something I cant WAIT for it to arrive and love when it’s packed with care and not a “chance” it will arrive okay. I package and ship each product just how I would expect it to arrive.

9) Tonya is sounds like your super creative. Is there anything else that you like to create/make at home that you do but don’t sell? I love to make things and have 3 kids and LOVE putting together birthday parties! I did a Candy land party where most of the decorations were made and it was very cute! I also make pretty good cakes and cupcakes when the occasion arises also. I love making variations of rainbow cakes and have been known to make monster energy drink and beer infused cupcakes too. If you have a monster fan they are SUPER easy. Just replace water in box white cake mix with a can of monster and save a tiny bit to add to frosting. They will think you are awesome.

Thank you so much for the interview.

iliketotalkalot rainbow polish giveaway nail polish

Tanya has also granted us with an awesome giveaway for her polish! All you need to do is follow the directions on the rafflecoptor. The first entry is a MUST, the additional questions give you extra entries to win! And there are ways to get extra entries each day!

Rules about contest: Winner must be either 18 years old, or have OK from parents/guardians to accept prize. Winner must reside in the United States or have an address in the U.S to send to. This is such a pretty polish line I’m so excited for you guys! Now hurry up and add those entries! Contest will end via the count down on the rafflecoptor.

PRIZE: ONE FREE NAIL POLISH FROM RAINBOW POLISH and a surprise beauty package from myself!



a Rafflecopter giveaway

Cant wait to win one and just want to buy them already? Visit Tanya’s Etsy store to see what she has in stock and put that debit card to work! Rainbow Polish can be purchased for $8.50 each and comes in a 0.5oz/15 ml bottle.

You can visit Rainbow Polish on facebook too! Now get those entries in to win an awesome polish!



  1. My favorite is PROBABLY either Static TV (I’ve been wanting a polish that looks like that for AGES) or Lollipop (I freaking love rainbow stuff and glitter stuff, so it’s obviously perfect).

  2. Awesome blog read! I love each of these polishes and from what I can see there are all different varieties to go with all kinds of seasons and outfits!!! I an obsessed with glitter polish and any of these would be a nice edition to my already growing glitter polish addiction haha.aleady fans on fb and enjoy reading about all of the new polishes coming out; so fun!!

  3. I’ve been dying to try Rainbow Polishes! Tanya does some amazing work, and what’s cool is that she’s in Riverside, which is like 45 minutes away from me! =)

  4. Ooo, scarab beetle puts me in mind of the OPI Alice in wonderland collections Absoluty Alice. Love both ! But don’t have either:( do sad.

  5. I’m loving all these new indie polishes! I could spend houuurrrsss on Etsy (not that I’ve done that or anything…no…I would never do that…) perusing all the glitters. 🙂


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