March 28, 2025

VersaSpa Spray Tan: your solution to needing summer color


**This review is based on my own experience. I paid for the spray tan treatments myself **

I’ve taken a break on the nails since I noticed they were peeling ALOT lately. Most likely need some more vitamins in my diet, but in the meantime all the polish is off and let them breath for a week or so. In the meantime, its been getting hot now that were pretty much in summer now and it shorts and tanks weather. Not to mention bathing suit weather which I have a love hate relationship with now that I’m not as active as I used to be.

I think these are the whitest my legs have EVER been
I think these are the whitest my legs have EVER been

Nevertherless, I know I needed a good tan for my shockingly white legs I developed over the past few years of not going boating as usual. I’ve always been a fan of lotions that give a good tan, but scared sometimes to try new ones unless I’ve seen results on someone I know in person. The last thing anyone wants is to be oompa loopa-ish. Never a good look.

courtesy of

I came across VersaSpa Spray tans online after doing serious research one weekend. I was interested in finding a spray tan that could be done quickly in a booth without having a technician blasting me with faux tan in a stark naked jumping jack position. I’m all fine getting naked in front of other woman, but you become extra close with your wax technician and spray tanner, don’t you, lol?

I was hesitant to just jump into a booth without seeing some pictures. I think mystic tans look terrible, and was forever sold to never do one after I saw a girl come out with brown liquid dripping down the back of one of her legs. Could you scream a fake tan any louder? I think not. I ended up purchasing a deal online for a BOGO at a local salon near my home and showed up in my flip flops and sun dress.

Wouldnt you splurge $4 more for this?
Wouldn’t you splurge $4 more for this?

I opted for a prepping pre & post spray that cost me $4 more to lock in moisture and retain a tan longer. I also opted for the bronzer solution rather than the clear. If I was gonna do this, I wanted it to be good and noticeable. The whole process was really quick and clean. You first put a tanning blocker on the palms of your hands and feet so they don’t turn out black, and step into the booth.

versaspa unit

I loved how this booth had a heat lamp in it so after you get sprayed you don’t freeze your butt off in there. On later occasions the lamp was left off and it is quite a chilly experience to be sprayed with a fine mist several times over and have a blowdryer on your entire body with no heat in it. Yikes, lol. You do stand in a few positions, but they make it idiot proof and robot-talk you all the way through it. There are also pictures on the wall in case you go blank.

post tan dots on skin

versaspa results spray tan

P.S by the time I got home I had itty bitty droplets on my arms and clinging to my arm hair. I was told this is totally normal, just dont try to “rub” anything in. At this point, put your loosest clothes on and prepared to hide inside your house for 24 hours while you “soak” in the color. They

say minimum 8 hours, but I go for as long as possible. A longer soak will result in a better tan. The first shower you take will be with just water and no scrubbies or soap– it pretty much gets rid of the excess scary dark color that develops by the end of the night. I felt like my face looked “dirty” as the color developed but after the shower? Viola….say hello to Claudia from the Hawaiian Tropics. I LOVE this tan.

pre versaspa tan
pre versaspa tan
my face right after getting sprayed with versaspa tan
my face right after getting sprayed with versaspa tan, yipes, you see those neck lines? That’s why we stay inside while it “soaks”!


versaspa tan after a couple hours
versaspa tan after a couple hours
versaspa tan after a couple hours
versaspa tan after a couple hours

final legs tan

I love it so much I have already gone and gotten 3 more and plan to continue. I see the tan lasts for about a week. You can extend it by keep your skin properly moisturized, and can boost it even longer by using a tanning lotion ever couple of days to keep the color going. So far, I haven’t paid full price for the tan, and I cant remember how much its quoted in store, I think $40? When I bought the deal it was two for one the first time, and then the next time it was $39 for three. Either way, awesome deals, and I only hope I can keep getting them on the deals.

**This review is based on my own experience. I paid for the spray tan treatments myself **


Need to see the leg comparison again? Trust me, this stuff is awesome! Go get one!

pre tan 2 legsfinal legs tan

Do you have a way to keep some color during the summer? What products or salon treatments do you do? Please share in the comments below, I am always on the look out for a good tanning mousse or lotion to test out! Want to find out where you can get an amazing VersaSpa Tan? Check them out on their website, facebook: VersaSpa , or twitter @VersaSpa









    • Thank you! I love having it when I can do it! It really looks real! If I want to make it last longer I use the Loreal sublime bronze aerosol and I was able to make it last another week!

  1. Getting my first Versaspa tan tonight and have been really nervous after reading some reviews. Thanks for sharing your experience and photos. Feeling more confident now!

    • it is a wonderful tan! Such a gorgeous color..i’ve convinced many friends to try this and they love it! I’ve also found some at home products that work great too, but having a spray tan is the ultimate in getting nice color!

  2. Hi!! I found a group on and there is a location near my work so I decided to do some research and found your blog!!! This is awesome!!! I was just scrolling down the page and saw the pics and realized that was you!! lol… This is plenty of evidence I need to purchase my group on! Thanks Claudia =)

    • LOL how funny Alana! I saw the email address attached to this comment and I was like wwhhhaaa? Is this her? And it is? Glad you found my blog and that it was a help to you! 🙂


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