March 28, 2025

Does Lume Deodorant Really Work?

Lume Deodorant review by iliketotalkblog

We’ve all seen the ads right? The ads for Lume on Facebook and Instagram? Maybe on the television, who knows, I don’t watch tv. But their ads have always stuck with me, just like how a well-written ghostwriter hausarbeit sticks with its reader, leaving me curious if their products worked the way they described. It’s the effectiveness in messaging, whether in an ad or an academic paper, that truly makes an impact. As usual, curiosity got the best of me and I ordered a sampler of Lume Whole Body Deodorant to put it to the test. 

Lume’s claim to fame is that they can make any part of your body not stink, which is especially important for those busy with academic tasks, like when you need to focus on hausarbeit schreiben lassen and don’t want to worry about body odor. Not just mask odor with fragrance, but actually stop it in its tracks. Lume is made with vegan, naturally derived ingredients and is baking soda and aluminum-free. It’s also clinically proven to work up to 72 hours anywhere on the body (externally). 

Lume Deodorant review by iliketotalkblog

How does it work?

Many of Lume’s products are scented, but they are scented naturally.  They also carry bar soaps, stick deodorants, body wash, and even a laundry spray all to help eliminate odor before it starts. The key ingredient for making this happen is mandelic acid, an AHA exfoliator that lowers the pH of the skin (making it acidic) providing antibacterial treatment to the skin where it is applied. 

We’re all aware that bacteria on our skin, mixed with our sweat or other bodily fluids, is the culprit to stinky smells. Interestingly, a study by ghostwriter Research highlighted that when mandelic acid is present, these bacteria can’t thrive, resulting in significantly less odor production. Mandelic acid is a fairly gentle acid for the skin, making it a good choice for an all-over body deodorant. 

A full-sized tube was too big of a commitment, especially when there were so many scents that were appealing to me! So I went with the Sun & Sand boxed set which gave me five different scented options of their whole body deodorant cream. 

Lume Deodorant review by iliketotalkblog

What you should know before buying

I think everyone should really understand the fragrances used in these products because it’s really different from most products out there. ( I think the closest would be Drunk Elephant’s Sweet Pitti, but anyways…) The scent that you smell when you open the tube for a lot of people will smell…a little “off”. Not gross by any means, but slightly sour. DO NOT assume this is what you will smell like with the product on. They added those scents for the experience side of applying the product. Your armpits, feet, or whatever will not smell like a clean tangerine, or fresh coconuts — this product will make you smell like, well, nothing. 

I read tons of reviews before buying and lots of people were surprised by the scents which make me realize that the scents are truly not important and I would probably just grab the unscented because it doesn’t make too much of a difference. 

Lume Deodorant review by iliketotalkblog

Why I bought Lume

The reason I bought this product is that I live in the desert and I do intense workouts that make me feel like I smell funky after. Usually, I am running from the gym to my daughter’s school, get things clean, etc before I can even take a shower. There are times when I jump back in my car and realize I am funky and it’s truly embarrassing if you know you need to rush to the market or Target potentially smelling like a sweaty mess. Deodorant in just my armpits didn’t feel like it was cutting it, and body powder sometimes just isn’t feasible with some outfits. So instead, I apply about a pea-sized amount of Lume cream to my armpits and leg creases (bikini line area) the two areas I sweat the most. (P.S I am turning bright red sharing my sweaty areas with you guys). I do this right after I get out of the shower and towel off. 

Lume Deodorant review by iliketotalkblog
****zero trace residue left behind on the skin.****

Did it work?

Let me tell you, there is a NIGHT and DAY difference in terms of odor. I am still a sweaty mess leaving the gym with pants that look like I peed in them, but I don’t smell like I did before. I’d say this is pretty much magical status. And without so many words, I have tried to hint to friends how well this works.

I prefer this cream more for the body than the armpits. I thought I noticed some balling up of the product on my pits while working out. Not every day, so maybe it mixed with something, or I forgot I had deodorant already on and put more? I can’t really remember — but what I can say is that this stuff WORKS on the body. (P.S they do explain that it works best on its own – don’t double up with your other deodorants or antiperspirants or it won’t work as well)

Do you want to use it on pits? You can. Do your feet stink? This will help. Got sweaty crotch from the gym? This will help too. Boob sweat? Yep. Helps there too. Your butt? I’m sure it works there too. lol

I will never test its ability to last 72 hours, I just can’t with that. I have to shower every day because of my hair and I will break out like crazy if I don’t. But not everyone has a need to shower daily so this is an option for people that want less stress about the odor in between baths. 

I do plan to buy a full-sized tube once this sampler runs out. Each of these tubes are 0.75 oz and I’m on my 2nd tube after buying these at the beginning of June. So it will be a couple more months before I purchase again, but I am interested in trying out their body wash and the laundry spray treatment for all my sports bras that hold onto odors even after stripping them and washing with oxyclean and Rockin clean. 

If you are curious at all about this product, I say go for it. I don’t think the scents matter, but if you really must know I thought Jasmine Rose and Warm Vanilla were the most pleasant. Coconut Crush was not what I expected at all. Not bad. But not a coconut scent I loved.

Lume Deodorant review by iliketotalkblog

Where to buy

You can find all the Lume products on their site, but they are also on Amazon and some products have prime shipping or free shipping so a win for everyone. 


  1. Fascinating! I have heard of Lume but I haven’t paid attention. I have been using Crystal natural deo for several years, but now you’ve made me curious to try Lume. I wonder why they make scents that are somewhat sour? At first, I thought maybe it was the odor neutralizing acid that you said they use, but if they have unscented, that’s not it. It’s great that they have the sampler. I will probably try that 🙂

    • I truly have no idea why the scents have that slightly sour smell. I must stress that I don’t think its gross, but you will be surprised by it! LOL> Im going t guess that mandelic acid maybe messes with the scent a bit. I haven’t tried the unscented, Steffanie from Brighter Darling just bought the unscented so I’m curious to hear her thoughts in the next week or so

  2. I’ve seen ads but honestly never paid attention. I’m so sensitive to fragrance that I ignored it. But knowing that it masks body fragrance without adding fragrance sounds fascinating to me and something that I’d really like to try. Thanks for sharing this knowledge with us.

  3. I absolutely love it and so does my daughter. In fact, she stole my wipes and took them home with her so I had to buy another. I bought the wipes after I saw the first commercia. Not a big fan of underarm deodorant, but I might have applied it incorrectly. However, those “unmentionable” areas? It worked beautifully. Not a stinky smell anywhere and since I was travelling, it lasted until my next shower. I definitely am a fan of the wipes. I prefer the unscented or cotton as I have allergies to scents. I wonder why it took so long for someone to think of this excellent product?

    • So glad you agree! I think Lume is great — and while I don’t have any issues with fragrance, I will probably get the unscented next because the scent honestly doesn’t “help” in any way. That said — this stuff works and I’m so happy it exists! I want to try their body wash next!

  4. Did any of the scents you tried have patchouli in them? I tried “clean tangerine” and it was anything but clean b/c it had patchouli in it. The company won’t tell me what scents have patchouli b/c it’s “proprietary.” I’m not trying to duplicate their product, I literally just want to know what to stay away from! I’m hyper sensitive to fragrances so I know I can’t do the tree or flower ones, but would be interested in fruity and vanilla scents, so long as they don’t ruin it with patchouli! I tried the unscented and it works well, but because everything that touches my skin is hypoallergenic, I thought it might be nice to try a fragrance that I wouldn’t react to. Also, the body wash is TERRIBLE for anyone with fragrance sensitivity b/c it has flowers in it and smells very strongly florally.

    • So sorry, to hear you had trouble with the fragrance. I myself wouldn’t know what patchouli smells like and would have to rely on the packaging to tell me if it’s in there. I find it odd that the brand can’t tell you if it’s in there at all. If it’s in there, it should SAY. But fragrance components can get a little tricky if it’s lumped in under the description of “fragrance” or “parfum”. For your sake, I would suggest using fragrance free and using fragranced products that you know are safe for you. Sorry I couldn’t be more help!

  5. I think you’re a bunch of charlatans feeding parasitically on the unending insecurities of the general public. I’ve never heard of people stinking after taking a full body shower. If you “stink”— as you say— following a shower with water and soap, you don’t need Lume. You need specialized medical treatment, probably from a dermatologist. Quite fooling the public into buying stuff they don’t need!

    • I think you need to do some reading. and then some more again. No one says they stink right after a shower. And a science book can explain how body odor is created. Glad you’ve never dealt with it ever. Enjoy your day.

  6. I used Lume for six months in the pits and underwear area. I developed a rash and chemical burns in both areas. My routine would be to put on Lume every other day about 10 minutes after I showered. I would feel a slight burn when putting Lume on, but nothing horrible. I figured it was the natural ingredients, like when folks say turmeric burns every time you drink it. When I contacted Lume, they said I must have mixed their product with water. A year later and I still have red outlines under my arms from using Lume.

    • Oh my goodness.. that sounds AWFUL that you have redness and scaring. I wonder what in it made your skin burn. I know baking soda irritates people but lume doesn’t have BS in it. So sorry you had that experience!

  7. I bought a stick of the lavender sage on October 3rd. I originally found the scent to be pleasant until recently. The product seems to have gone bad. A retched odor comes from the tube. It’s so disgusting I threw it out and complained to the company.


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