Are you aware of the peach fuzz on your skin? I’m not talking about your arms here….I’m talking about our faces. While it may be near invisible to the naked eye, for some people, peach fuzz or facial hair can be noticeable and can interfere with life. Dermaplaning is something I started doing a little under a decade ago and never looked back. It’s easy, quick, and affordable to do on your own, so I thought I’d share about the tool that Versed Skincare has to take care of this.
Before I get into the nitty-gritty of Versed Instant Gratification tool, I want to elaborate on dermaplaning and its benefits. Removal of peach fuzz is obvious, but it also does a great job of exfoliating the top layer of skin so that your skincare products work better. By removing that layer of dead skin cells products will absorb better, and your skin will feel smoother in general. Makeup will apply better, and your complexion might even appear brighter and more even.
I own a very pricey dermaplaning tool and because of the price of the refills, I was tempted to try Versed Instant Gratification tool because I’d prefer something more affordable. Dermaplaning should only be done once every 3-4 weeks so as not to over-exfoliate and irritate the skin.
You also want to make sure that you aren’t doubling up on strong exfoliants in the days leading up to, or right after dermaplaning. Just don’t do it. Trust me. A stinging, burning face isn’t a good look on anyone. And sunscreen is definitely advised. I mean, sunscreen every day, people! But especially after you’ve done an exfoliation like this!
Versed dermaplaning tool looks and feels very similar to my pricer one from Stacked Skincare. The stacked one is heavier, and the stainless steel blade cartridges look near identical in design. I will admit I do like the weight of the stacked handle, it feels a little more substantial in hand but is not a deal-breaker for the Versed tool. The Versed one is still metal, but coated with something for a slip-free grip. Both brands of blades are to last the same amount of time (3-4 uses and then toss.)
When I dermaplane my face, I usually do it just after I’ve cleansed and patted my skin dry. I have read that dermaplaning with a thin film of oil can work too. I have tried this and found it to be messier and prefer just dry, clean skin.

Each person will have to carefully figure out how to navigate dermaplaning their face. We have a lot of curves, maybe some loose skin in areas and you don’t want to get nicked (I have, it’s a learning process). I tend to focus on the entire forehead, temples, cheek, and jawline. I don’t bother under the eyebrows, nose, or chin area. I always pull my skin taut in the opposite direction of dermaplaning so the skin is “flatter” in a sense and less chance of cuts. I generally dermaplane towards the center of my face.
After, I follow with something calming and hydrating for the skin. This is a great time for your freshly dermaplaned skin to get all that good stuff in your toners, serums, and moisturizers! I would be cautious in what you choose though. You DID just take a layer off the face, so be nice to it. Don’t follow with more exfoliants unless you want trouble.
Oh, and another thing. Don’t worry about your hair growing back thicker. That is NOT a thing. Cutting down facial hair gives it a blunt tip so some hair may FEEL like it’s thicker, but it is not. Please, don’t let that stop you from trying dermaplaning if you are really interested in it.
I really like the Versed Instant Gratification tool. I also like my Stacked Skincare one. But I think if you have an issue with the higher price, this one from Versed is a very good option. They’re really similar and I’m having a hard time seeing the difference between the two except one has a heavier metal handle, and one does not.
You can find Versed at Target and Walmart, but they don’t carry this tool. This tool is only available on the brand’s website. If you look into this brand, I also HIGHLY recommend their Advanced Restoring Serum. I’m in love because it has Ferulic Acid (an antioxidant that boosts the efficacy of other antioxidants), Phloretin which neutralizes free radicals, and Vitamin C which we know boosts collagen production and fades spots.
Have you tried anything from Versed?
This sounds like a very good dermaplaning device, Claudia!
Whoa, Claudia, this looks like a serious exfoliation tool! I never heard of Versed before. Amazing. Thanks for enlightening us! – Angie,
Good to know about dermaplaning from Versed! If I decide to give up my epilator, this sounds like the way to go
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