March 28, 2025
Home fitness


Better workouts with Breathe Right by iliketotalkblog
This post is sponsored by on behalf of Breathe Right. Staying active has been something that I’ve made more of a priority in my life ever since having a child. I realized that not only did I want to feel better, but I wanted to set an example of healthy living for my daughter to model after. Little did...
If you’ve followed me on Instagram the last few years then you know that I have a fiendish love for finding new workout clothes. I discover amazing brands left and right and my wallet kinda cries at times, but considering I wear workout clothes every single day it makes sense to have a variety, right?  I shop just about everywhere....
Five Products To Jump Start Your Health Goals by iliketotalkblog
This post is sponsored by BabbleBoxx My attempts to live a healthier lifestyle really took off when I had my daughter. I wanted to set a good example and be around for as long as possible to enjoy seeing her grow up into a wonderful woman. She is now four years old and I can say that I am learning something...
This post is sponsored by  We all know how it goes, the last months of the year keep us super busy with family, the holidays, and other engagements, and we as women tend to put everything and everyone else before us. It never fails, but we do it because we love our friends and families and do it without...
I Found the Ultimate Skincare Line for Athletes - you're going to want to hear about this line!

Why I Count Macros

why i count macros iliketotalkblog
Lately I’ve been sharing more of my fitness journey on social media and it’s been sparking more questions about what exactly am I doing. It really excites me to see that people are interested and have questions because maybe I can help someone else. I am by no means an expert of any sort. I’m just someone who wants...
gym bag essentials iliketotalkblog
This post has been sponsored by the PRIMP Network. All opinions are my own. Lately I’ve been updating what’s in my gym bag because I’ve found I need more things as time goes on. I used to just bring a towel, keys and my phone with earjacks, but because I have to quickly go from place to place I’ve been...
iliketotalkblog fitness goals for 2018
If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I just finished a two week long fitness challenge and at the end of it all I shared what I learned over the course of that challenge. I’ve actually had a few people ask me what I’m looking to get out of all the “fitness-y” stuff I do and I...
My Fitness Essentials by Iliketotalkblog
Fitness Essentials  Sometimes it’s hard to stay motivated to workout, but I find it’s easier when you love what you’re doing, and have the right gear to put your best effort into it -- whatever you may be doing! I thought I would share what my fitness essentials are to get the best workout. Heart Rate Monitor   - MyZone  I use something...
Usually right around the beginning of October, I get a flash of all the food that’s ahead in the upcoming months. Halloween brings candy into the house, Thanksgiving is a day of being surrounded by a feast, and Christmas tends to be a day of food as well. For someone who hasn't been watching their waistline, or is currently...

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