March 10, 2025
Home Tags Vitamin C

Tag: vitamin C


Drunk Elephant C Firma Fresh Day Serum

Do you incorporate Vitamin C into your skincare routine? I have it sprinkled throughout! In fact, this past Summer I did a blog post about great skincare items with vitamin C...
skincare with vitamin C by iliketotalkblog

Skincare With Vitamin C

You might have noticed that Vitamin C is all over the place when it comes to skincare, and for good reason --- It’s beneficial for our skin! Vitamin C can not...
invincible scars and c section scar care iliketotalkblog

InviCible Scars and C-Section Care

Back in February I had a beautiful baby girl and delivered her via C-section.  I was 100% terrified of having “surgery” as I’d never had major surgery before, but it all...

Introducing Kawaii Tokyo: Skincare With The Essence of Tokyo Pop Culture

One of the first products I reviewed on my blog was the Le Edge. An almost, razor blade type device used to exfoliate the skin in a hygienic and...

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