Hey Guys! This is Claudia from @iliketotalkblog and today I want to talk about an all natural spray deodorant and it's from the brand, By Rosie Jane, so let's talk about it.

Let's get to it. By Rosie Jane already makes amazing body products, but now they have a natural spray deodorant in their lineup. The brand --

female founded, vegan, and cruelty-free.  And they strive to be clean by saying no to over 4000 ingredients in their formulas.

There are also no single-use plastics and use FSC packaging. To fragrance their products, By Rosie Jane uses

absolutes, fragrance oils, nature identicals, and essential oils but omit the use of questionable ingredients like phthalates or other endocrine disruptors.

This deodorant leaves behind ZERO residue on clothes or skin,  allows you to sweat normally, but without the worry of smelly funky.

You can even buy big refills to keep it more sustainable! Thanks for watching my video on By Rosie Jane 100% Natural Spray Deodorant

If you'd like to learn more, or do some shopping, click the link or swipe up!