March 29, 2025

#FISHEGGFRIDAY My attempt at the fish egg manicure

If you couldn’t tell, I love doing my nails. I love picking up a new color each week and trying it out.  I also like following other nail polish bloggers because they fuel my obsession for polish and keep my on the hunt for new, different stuff all the time.

 Ok so today is not Friday, but who cares! Today, my friends I bring you the FISH EGG MANICURE which might also be known as the K-A-V-I-A-R mani…but I guess we aren’t supposed to used that term out here in the blogger world. I’m going to direct you to this post here to read up more about that. SO from now on, this will only be called a fish egg mani!

fish egg manicure

fish egg manicure

 There has been a fish egg explosion on the internet over the past couple weeks and I’ve been tempted to try out this 100% unique to me, manicure.  Instead of having a smooth glossy finish, you coat the nail in microbeads creating a totally textural design.  I’ve seen several photos on the web of fish egg manis and they look gorg!  I was curious to find out if I could accomplish it myself.

fish egg manicure

 I went to my local craft store, (yay for Michael’s) and picked up microbeads and hoping to come across flocking material to attempt “the fuzzy nail manicure” which looks totally fun to attempt to wear at least for a couple of hours! I’ve tried the feather nails, but I totally stunk at it and hoping someone like the Polish-Aholic or or Let Them Have Polish would show me the ways!  Anyways, what do you think guys?  Fish Egg Mani for you?  Would you rock this look?  It doesn’t cost much to try, especially if your going to try “a accent nail”

fish egg manicure iliketotalkaot

fish egg manicure iliketotalkalot

fish egg manicure iliketotalkalot 2

fish egg manicure iliketotalkalot 4

The Polish-aholic compiled a list of everyone who participated in the fish egg manicure madness!  Check it out here.

P.S, I had a giveaway with Ferro Cosmetics that ended yesterday.  You can check and see if you were one of the winners here.  At the moment, two people have not responded, one of them was a big prize winner too so here’s hoping they subscribed to my blog to see their names posted!


  1. It is so early here still so maybe I didn’t retain the information that I am about to ask. So apologies if you mentioned this in the post! What color is that Essie? I need to have it. So happy and springy!

    As always, your nail expertise blows my mind! xo

  2. Not overly keen on the ‘fish manicure’ Looks good on others but can’t see me wearing it. Love the blues and greens tho 🙂 x

  3. […] The tight-knit nail polish blogging community was outraged — not so much that Ciaté had taken their idea, but that they were being asked to not use the name they had invented. In response, a number of them rallied behind Yankee and posted tutorials with altered names like the “fish egg manicure.” […]

  4. […] The tight-knit nail polish blogging community was outraged — not so much that Ciaté had taken their idea, but that they were being asked to not use the name they had invented. In response, a number of them rallied behind Yankee and posted tutorials with altered names like the “fish egg manicure.” […]


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