March 6, 2025
Home Tags Aromatherapy

Tag: aromatherapy

naturopathica skincare review by iliketotalkblog

Holistic Skincare From Naturopathica

Naturopathica caught my eye in the last year or so with their Instagram ads and I’ve been following them quietly ever since! Something about their clean, holistic approach to formulating their...
healanah-peace review by iliketotalkblog

Healanah Peace: Aromatherapy for a Restful Sleep

Aromatherapy has been around for ages and is a safe way to use aromatic plant and essential oils to treat a variety of symptoms, ailments or improving one’s mood. It can...
lather products for the new mom

LATHER Products for The New Mom

One thing I truly love doing is taking a nice warm shower. It can be so relaxing, and allows you to treat yourself to scrubs, washes and rinses that make your...
HEALANAH healing spray iliketotalk iliketotalkblog

Healanah Healing Spray Aromatherapy for the Soul

  There are certain times in our life when things just feel hectic, overwhelming and tiresome. It just happens; young or old, we all have busy lives and it can take a...

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