March 31, 2025

Better Workouts With Breathe Right®

This post is sponsored by on behalf of Breathe Right.

Staying active has been something that I’ve made more of a priority in my life ever since having a child. I realized that not only did I want to feel better, but I wanted to set an example of healthy living for my daughter to model after. Little did I know how much this desire for healthier living would blossom into a true passion for fitness. I’ve worked my way through barre classes, running miles, boot camps, and obstacle course races, and most recently dove into Crossfit where I truly have found my place.

Over the years I’ve spent time improving my game in various ways, by not only continually learning ways to improve my nutrition to fuel my body better, but also taking the time to improve technique, allowing myself the needed rest times for proper recovery, and working on flexibility and mobility. But with even with all that, I too enjoy finding ways to enhance my workouts with smaller things like a good pair of shoes, a better jump rope, some tasty aminos, or something unexpected , like Breathe Right® nasal strips.

 I’ve had heard of Breathe Right nasal strips for years, but never thought to give them a try. From what I understood they were for snoring and never felt the need to use them. But since moving to Arizona, my husband and I discovered that the much drier desert climate was something that would take time for our nasal passages to acclimate to. Both of us felt the effects, feeling “stuffed up” day and night. Not only did we feel this when we slept, but I also felt it during my workouts while running or lifting weights. It was time to look into solutions. 

Aside from investing in a humidifier for our home, I decided it was time to give Breathe Right nasal strips a try and see if they would make a positive change in how my nose felt. I figured there was no time to waste and grabbed a box at Target of their extra strength strips that came in tan. I figured Extra Strength was the way to go since I sweat a lot, especially on my face when I work out in my garage, so I needed something that would stay put. 

 The Breathe Right nasal strips were super easy and straight forward to use. Essentially, it works like a flexible fabric-feeling bandage you wear over the bridge of your nose with spring-like action in it to lift your nostrils open. You apply it on clean, dry, skin, just above the nostril flares, and go about your business. I workout in a full face of sunscreen so I made sure to avoid that particular area to ensure it would stick well and gave it a try.

I will say that immediately I feel a difference. It’s a weird sensation to try and describe but you do feel like your nose is “open” more with the help of these strips! After trying on a pair or two you forget that they are on. I was excited to get started with my workouts and see how they would do. 

   I did all my regular things. Worked out inside my garage, outside on the street, sweated like I usually do, and wiped away sweat a little more carefully than usual so as not to disturb the strip. I was really happy that it stayed in place for the 1-2 hours needed and made my run a little more comfortable and allowing me to breathe easier than without it. I hate to overplay it, but it felt pretty incredible to have my nose so “open” as I went through my  workout. It made me want to tell my husband to give them a try!

I’m glad I can find these easily where I shop, which is usually Target, but it can be found at lots of stores like CVS, Walmart, and Rite Aid in the cough/cold section. There are a few variations like getting the clear strips or tan and you can start with a smaller box or go with the 26 pack as I got. Be sure to print your coupon so you can save yourself some cash on your first box! 



  1. It’s good to know that they actually work! I aways wondered if these types of strips did the trick, or not! I wonder if they could stand up to seasonal allergies when all of the plants are in bloom!


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