March 12, 2025
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Tag: clean beauty

Beautycounter Countermatch Refresh Foaming Cleanser review by iliketotalkblog

Beautycounter Countermatch Refresh Foaming Cleanser

Disclaimer: I am a Beautycounter consultant since November 2021.  As I continue on my new journey repping for Beautycounter, I am doing my best to try everything that I can reasonably use...
beautycounter cheeky clean cream blush review by iliketotalkblog

Beautycounter Cheeky Clean Cream Blush

For those of you who missed the announcement on Facebook, I decided I wanted to become a consultant for Beautycounter! I have watched my friend, Steffanie, share about their products over...
By Rosie Jane review by iliketotalkblog

Fresh Clean Scents from By Rosie Jane

I’m going, to be honest right up front that I am not a fragrance expert by any means, but I found a fragrance company that I’ve really enjoyed and want to...
beautycounter flawless in five review by iliketotalkblog

BeautyCounter Flawless In Five Set

I’ve been really happy with the skincare and makeup discoveries this past year so far. I’ve come across a lot of really great products that suited my skin well, and have...
pharmacopia mint argan collection review by iliketotalkblog

Cooling Off With Pharmacopia

Does Summer ever end here in Arizona? It seems right about now (August) the Summer feels never-ending with sunshine and heat that you just can’t hide from. Every trip to the...
Ahava bath care review by iliketotalkblog

Bath Time Bliss From AHAVA

It’s been so long since I’ve used AHAVA, but when I saw they were available on I thought it would be fun to grab some things that I remember enjoying....
naturopathica skincare review by iliketotalkblog

Holistic Skincare From Naturopathica

Naturopathica caught my eye in the last year or so with their Instagram ads and I’ve been following them quietly ever since! Something about their clean, holistic approach to formulating their...
True Botanicals Skincare review by iliketotalkblog

Is True Botanicals Worth It?

I feel like you don’t hear a whole lot of raving about natural and organic type beauty brands out there simply because, well, a lot of them fall short of results....
Tarte Sea Hydroflex Serum Foundation and Surfer Curl Mascara review by iliketotalkblog

Tarte Sea Hydroflex Serum Foundation and Surfer Curl Mascara

While occasionally bloggers and I will complain that the beauty market is so oversaturated, it does have its benefits too. I feel like this year I really got to dive in...
lather coconut foaming scrub coconut creme body whip review by iliketotalkblog

Coconut Oasis from Lather

At the end of last week, I felt very special to be invited to the local LATHER store in Phoenix to come check out the new mineral sunscreen they had released....

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