March 28, 2025

Joyal Beauty Hyaluronic Acid Hydrating Serum

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**product provided for honest review**

I have had a thing for serums over the past few months, I just love using them for my skin.  Serums sink in fast and you can  use multiple serums for different treatments without feeling like you have a mask on. Lately, I’ve been using Joyal Beauty’s Hyaluronic Acid Hydrating Serum in my routine and really like what it’s doing. Literally, everyone can benefit from using a hyaluronic acid (HA) serum, since it’s a special type of carbohydrate polymer that helps attract and hold water in the skin to keep it hydrated.  It’s something that is produced in our bodies, and aids in tissue repair and cell proliferation or renewal.

joyal beauty hyaluronic serum

We tend to lose H.A on a daily basis due to general wear and tear of the body.  However we tend to lose the ability to produce HA even more if we expose ourselves to too much sun or pollutants causing our skin to thin and show age.  Some of it is bound to happen with time, but being a former sun bunny myself, I know I’ve committed some skin care sins. I’m in my early 30’s and noticed the change in my skin by age 27.  Now I make it a habit to take care of my skin so it ages as gracefully as possible.

I’ve been using Joyal Beauty Hyaluronic Acid Hydrating Serum at morning and night for about 4 weeks (and still have about ¾ of the bottle still filled). Their HA serum is botanically derived, and uses no synthetic preservatives such as parabens to keep it fresh.  This product is also cruelty-free!  The serum comes in an amber glass pump bottle and distributes just the right amount of serum each time.  The pump is easy to control so if you only need a little you can do so without wasting it.

joyal beauty hyaluronic serum

I like that this serum has a little thickness to its formula. When serums are pure liquid it tends to slip through my fingers before I can get it to my face. Then I end up rubbing the backs of my hands all over my face like a weirdo to get it all! I like to apply this right after I use my soniclear brush but there is a special trick to using this serum.  You don’t just apply it to dry skin because it’s meant to attract and pull water towards it. You need to use this on wet skin, so I either don’t dry my face after cleansing, or I spritz my face with a thermal water and then apply (my favorite method).

joyal beauty hyaluronic serum

I usually let the serum sink in for a minute or two before moving onto my next step whether it be another serum or my foundation but I do feel like my skin is fully hydrated and haven’t experienced any dry skin patches anywhere.  I can even apply this over my lips which do get severely dry at times and not worry!

You can purchase this serum by visiting their website : Joyal Beauty or by searching on Amazon.

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